About gastritis
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What is gastritis?

Often a person has pain in the upper compartment of the stomach, which may bring discomfort for several days. If these symptoms seek medical advice - a preliminary diagnosis will be gastritis. Very often, after leaving pain patients no action for the treatment or prophylaxis of live and do not take their habitual manner.

Nowadays, it is believed that gastritis is a harmless disease and it suffers every second person, and not what it is not dangerous. But this is not the case, 80% of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract falls on different types and forms of gastritis. However, gastritis is the first step to stomach cancer, which is among cancer ranks first in prevalence among people.

What is gastritis? Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the stomach - is gastritis. Why is this happening? It used to be that there is a gastritis due to not proper nutrition, as a complication after taking certain medications, increased acidity in the stomach, etc. However, scientists have proved that gastritis is also of bacterial origin. His appearance is caused by bacteria called Helicobacter pylori.

The human body is designed so that the stomach is not healthy person peretravlivaet own tissues and gastric juice. Acid-base imbalance in the different parts of the gastrointestinal tract and acid-base balance in the various parts of the stomach is the root cause of gastritis. This process occurs because all sorts of reasons for digestion. As a consequence there is a gastritis - inflammation of the mucous membrane of the stomach, causing a malfunction of the body.

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