About gastritis
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Treatment of gastritis folk methods

Traditional methods of treatment of gastritis it is mandatory to combine with a diet.

Treatment of juice used in many diseases, gastritis without exception. Therapy juices are very popular means of at the present time, the usefulness of fresh juices almost no one doubts the harm they bring and can not. recommended pineapple juice, raspberry, cherry, black currant for the treatment of gastritis with high acidity. Gastritis with low acidity should drink carrot juice, apples, cabbage, potato, aloe, citrus. This popular method of treatment important to cook the juice right.


For the treatment of gastritis with low acidity of another popular method is the use of infusion or decoction of rose hips. Infusion of rose hips is made of four tablespoons of rose hips and one liter of hot water. His insist in a thermos and drink eight o'clock during the day instead of tea.

Traditional methods of treatment of gastritis is also propolis. It has analgesic and healing properties. To do this, prepare the aqueous propolis tincture. Propolis is put in the freezer for an hour, chop, add water and simmer for an hour in a water bath. Take necessary every day for 100 ml. You can also mix with propolis and honey before each meal to eat a teaspoon of the mixture.

Traditional methods of treatment of gastritis also include the use of herbs such as plantain, chamomile, celandine, calendula, St. John's wort and nettles. On this basis, prepare various herbal preparations, the use of which helps in the treatment of gastritis.

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