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Stomach pain in chronic gastritis

Gastritis - the most common disease of the stomach, which is an inflammation of the gastric mucosa. These processes result in the failure of the gastrointestinal tract.

All types of gastritis are accompanied by pain, recurrent or acute, before eating, and after a time, during the day or night. Pain in the stomach gastritis are also accompanied by nausea, vomiting and heartburn. Stomachache but may be other reasons besides gastritis. How to distinguish the pain of gastritis from pain associated with other diseases?

Pain in chronic gastritis have some differences depending on its type. For example, in autoimmune gastritis appear dull nature, arching pain that occur after a meal. As a result of these pains appear belching with a pungent odor, like rottenness. These pains are accompanied by diarrhea, bloating, loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting.

Pain in gastritis caused by the bacterium Helicobacter observed increase in acidity in the stomach, and therefore there is an inflammatory process. In this gastritis in the stomach pain dull, aching, cramping may occur or stinging character. Also, there are a pain in the gut, heartburn, belching, nausea and vomiting after a meal is a bad taste in the mouth, and constipation.

Pain in gastritis caused by reflux have pain occur about an hour after eating, can also occur during the night. Not accompanied by nausea, belching, vomiting bile, metallic taste in the mouth.

Pain in gastritis can also be distinguished by their location. In this disease, stomach pain localized in the epigastric (upper abdomen).

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