Diagnosis of gastritis
Diagnosis of gastritis, unfortunately, unpleasant procedure for the patient, but the difficulty is not to the doctor. Yet the symptoms of gastritis, which are accompanied by pain in the stomach much more unpleasant than once to be diagnosed. The sooner you see a doctor, the easier it will cure gastritis and faster recovery comes.
Gastritis Diagnosis begins with a survey of the patient's complaints. Also, inspection is carried out by palpation, if a person with gastritis pain increases. After that, the doctor makes a preliminary diagnosis. To clarify the nature and degree of gastritis conduct laboratory research and gastroscopy.
Gastroscopy - a method of diagnosis of gastritis, which aims to study the esophagus, stomach and duodenum. This procedure was carried out using a special apparatus gastroscope, which is provided with an umbrella with a camera. With the help of this instrument is carried out inspection and sampling of gastric juice analysis. In the complex course of the disease is also taking gastroscope analysis on a biopsy of the gastric mucosa. For carrying out a gastroscopy patient must be prepared in advance.
Gastritis Diagnosis may also include ultrasound stomach, research acidity in the stomach. It is often also used to examine patient x-ray of the stomach, according to information content, this method is the second after gastroscopy.
Also, gastritis Diagnostic procedures include a complete blood count, urine, and feces.
Acute gastritis is most often carried out a survey of the patient or his relatives as acute gastritis symptoms require immediate treatment.