Gastritis Home Treatment
Gastritis is a disease of inflammatory nature, its symptoms are painful and uncomfortable. If not for gastritis acute form without serious complications, its treatment can take place at home. In the treatment of gastritis medication and diet, which appointed a doctor to cancel the self is strictly prohibited. It can be combined with a variety of folk remedies and home methods. Self gastritis can cause a number of complications, and this should be avoided, because the main thing and the worst complication of gastritis - a cancer of the stomach.
Treatment of gastritis household methods may include receiving useful products, juices, broths, oils, teas and other recipes, but before the start of their application it is desirable to consult with a specialist, or to be completely confident in these kinds of therapy.
Very often, for the treatment of gastritis at home using flax seeds. From it is prepared tinctures. Flax seeds contain large amounts of oils, and their use has enveloping effect of the stomach wall. To prepare a decoction of flax seed, they need to be to take 2 teaspoons and pour a glass of boiling water, until the morning. In the morning on an empty stomach to drink a decoction of one third, the rest of it to share but the end of the day.
You can use chicken gizzards, they can not only take in food, but also to prepare them for the treatment of gastritis medicine at home. They are very useful, they have a lot of folic acid, iron and vitamins. To do this, you need to separate the stomach from the skins. The product should always be fresh and of good quality. Skins stomachs grind and add to them in May honey, to insist for three days. Take them need a teaspoon before each meal, course duration of a month, then month break, repeat the course 5-6 times necessary to strengthen the effect. A few days after the start of the use of this means the pain go away.