About gastritis
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Acute gastritis

Acute gastritis - a sudden inflammation of the mucous membrane of the stomach, which appeared for the first time in humans. Signs of acute gastritis are nausea, vomiting, belching, bloating, diarrhea, heartburn, pain acute, sometimes paroxysmal, in the upper area of ​​the stomach, accompanied by weight. Diagnosis of acute gastritis consists of establishing the cause of the disease, fecal sampling tests and vomit, carrying out a gastroscopy and x-ray of the stomach.

Acute gastritis occurs suddenly in a patient. Often the cause of the occurrence of acute gastritis ceases poisoning, infections, allergies. As a complication of acute gastritis may develop erosions of the gastric mucosa, bleeding, sepsis and chronic gastritis.

Acute gastritis is classified depending on the course of the disease and the causes of such types: catarrhal, fibrinous, necrotic, abscess.

Treatment of acute gastritis is assigned after a comprehensive diagnosis. Paramount in the treatment of acute gastritis is, elimination of the causes and symptoms of the disease. The first day the patient is prescribed fasting, followed a strict diet. If the cause of acute gastritis ceases poisoning food or chemicals, make sure you performed gastric lavage. Drug treatment of acute gastritis complex consists of antisecretory action of drugs, inhibitors, antacids, gastroprotectives. Some types of acute gastritis also prescribe anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-TB drugs. To relieve pain doctor appoints painkillers. The duration of treatment and possible complications depend on the type of acute gastritis and correct treatment.

Prevention of acute gastritis elementary simple - eliminate the use of alcohol, stop smoking, medication taken only prescribed by a doctor and study their side effects, infectious diseases treated by a physician.

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