About gastritis
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Causes of gastritis

The causes of gastritis are such basic factors: the bacterium Helicobacter pylori, reflux, poor nutrition and increased acidity of the stomach. Let us consider each of them.

The cause of gastritis - helicobacter pylori bacterium. Today, scientists believe that it is this bacterium causes gastritis and stomach ulcers. She lives in 90% of people, but not all of them suffer from gastritis. Therefore, we can assume that Helicobacter is not the cause of gastritis, and its presence is only develops the risk of disease. With increased acidity of gastric Helicobacter pylori lives in the human stomach.

The cause of gastritis is also reflux - abnormal movement of digestive tract contents. Digested food in the stomach back together with bile, due to its contact with the gastric juice burns appear, which causes gastritis. This cause of gastritis is common in people who are very nervous and experiencing various kinds of stress.

Poor nutrition as a cause of gastritis is the most common. Overeating, malnutrition, various diets lead to gastritis.

The cause of gastritis is also increased acidity in the stomach. How does this happen? The normal acidity of the stomach is Ph = 1,5-3. At the same time food peretravlivaetsya normal, and all processes are working properly. Due to stress, poor nutrition, smoking, alcohol abuse, receiving various kinds of medicines increases the acidity of the stomach, digestion is disturbed, inflamed gastric mucosa and there gastritis.

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